Monday, August 10, 2009

No progress

I have no work to show because I have been enjoying the summer, but this was an idea we came up with in the spring to help get feedback on work no matter where you may hide to get your thesis done.


  1. hahahahhaa this is so funny melissa! good idea!

  2. wait... what's a thesis again?? :P haha

  3. Becky: It's that thing you're currently not doing but preventing Tom from advising others on. You know, that thing.

  4. hahahaha~~ I have no work to show, too. However, I talked with some of my teachers in Taiwan and I re-write my story AGAIN.(the main idea is the same)

  5. @Becks Yeah. We want Tom back!

  6. haha screw you guys, i'm working on my thesis. i'm just busy learning how to animate first at Animation Mentor. i'll post my animatic (nearly finished, minus a few minor tweaks) and character designs (finished) later.
