Tuesday, November 10, 2009


holy cow! i am making a post with work! let the gods rejoice! so here is a most recent version of my animatic. i know my film isn't a character driven narrative so it might be a bit hard to follow, but I do appreciate any feedback or questions on what isn't clear.

Animatic from Melissa Tierney on Vimeo.


  1. I love your transitions a lot, but the rolling paper one (01:01~01:03) is a little bit annoy me. I feel the element(paper) is not the same kind thing with the rest of animation. I mean I feel the most of transitions you used are natural base such as animal deforming, animal passing by camera, however, the paper is a artificial stuff...... It is a little bit weird for me to put it in this animation.

    Mei Yu

  2. thanks meiyu. everyone who has watched this has a problem with the rolling paper. you're right about the natural transitions. i think i really need to change this.
