Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ma-quette... get it?

character design for my mother character?
sorry for the super bad joke I spend way too much time by myself.


  1. wow, i love this! and those hands are perfect. is she going to have a nose? she kind of looks alien without one, but maybe that's what you were going for?

    also, the silhouette reminded me of this:
    funny idea for a walk cycle.

  2. Wicked ma-quette! Cool pose too. Only part that's not clear for me is the front part of the hair above the glasses. Maybe her bangs should be layered in front of the other hair. I dig the lack of nose though...

  3. That walk cycle would be hilarious! Thanks for the comments you guys. I'm really not sure about what to do with nose... or the hair... I don't think a nose is completely necessary, is it?

    clay is so fun.
