Monday, September 28, 2009

color script?

attempts with watercolors...


  1. cool boards - I like how simplified the characters are becoming. Does that make sense? It's like you're drawing just a few steps beyond a line of action

  2. i wish you had all the time in the world to hand color your animation like this, it's beautiful. one question, why is the waiting room in bright colors?

  3. I get what Melissa's saying - that green is great maybe just de-saturated a little? or darker in spots. Not sure, it seems like a waste not to use it.

  4. brian wants me to cut the waiting room altogether...i do like cutting action. it's still hard to figure exactly what friggin reality we're in from scene to scene. I'm hoping an animatic will help. Can't wait to see you guys!

  5. I guess that could make sense - not sure what your story is like at this point though. Looking forward to having you guys here again!
